I've applied to become an affiliate to Moms Without Blogs. They're a cool bunch with a very similar attitude about things that I have. And no, not just saying that cause I'm under consideration and haven't made the cut yet...but if I thought sucking up would get me in with the cool kids, I might...No, of course I wouldn't. I'm way too cool for that. *brushes crumbs off her pj shirt* Does the fact that I'm wearing a pj shirt after 8pm at night add or detract from my profession of 'coolness'? Would it matter if I mentioned that its not that I'm ready for bed at 8pm on a Friday night, but simply that I haven't bothered to get dressed yet today?
Anyways, there may be one small problem with my application to the Cool Moms Group. (That's what I'm calling them in my head). They, like me (before I became a homeschooler) thought 'homeschooling mom' was synonymous with 'perfectionist freak'.
*waits for laughter to die down from anyone who even slightly knows me, including Wolf, whose chosen this moment to read over my shoulder*
I've invited the Coolest Mom to poke around both this blog (yeah, not much to see here, its new, but I promise, growing!) and the other Not A Stepford Wife blog and see what she thinks.
For anyone that's stumbled here from other links, let me assure you of something: yes, I am a homeschooler. However, I honestly think that there's stuff here that you'll find will be of benefit to you, regardless if your kids are in public school, private school, or preschool. Fun activities are fun activities. I'm a fan of what I call 'The Sneaky'. Its when the kids think they're just having fun, when actually, they're learning too. I bought Diva a really cool game recently. It takes ten minutes to play (says so, right on the box! Ten minutes! Set a timer, when it goes off, game over! Love it! No board to set up either!) She's learning geography and social, and having a blast. Just don't tell her that she's learning, k? She won't play it again if you tell her that :oP
And if nothing else, you can read here, and think, "At least I'm not her..." lol!
New Blog
13 years ago
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